Friday, February 25, 2011

Perl For Windows Admin and Software Build Management

i tend to only do one Perl project a year. This has been the trend for the past few years. But they all have filled some pretty big holes and remind me what a cool and utilitarian language Perl still is. Currently i am working on a tool similar to ant. i just finished coding out the functions that allow me to check a source and target build, doing a two way compare that produces three lists (for analysis and build):
1) files on source that are not on target
2) files on target with newer timestamp than source
3) files on target that are not on the source
Perl is still my #1 language for work like this.

I also pulled two great Perl resources from my bookcase. Win32 Perl Programming - The Standard Extensions by Dave Roth. If you are looking to use Perl with Windows sysadmin this is THE BOOK for the job. Also Network Programming with Perl by Lincoln Stein is a killer reference.

While i spend a great deal of my current life in Php i do enjoy these times when i get to do a Perl gig.