Saturday, April 15, 2017

Seeking Approval Through Destruction


We have a Republican President that has a thin skin and a need to constantly seek approval and validation. He is charge of the worlds largest military.

He first bombed a Syrian airbase to praise and accolades from the media and many Democrats.

Next, we used for the first time an 11 ton non-nuclear bomb, dropping it on a position of tunnels in a remote area of Afghanistan. The bomb is called MOAB, short for "Mother of All Bombs."

We now have a carrier group heading toward the Korean peninsula. It is believed that the North Koreans have short and mid range nuclear weapons ready to go. Weapons that can reach South Korea, Japan and other American allies. The North Korean dictator like the American Republican dictator...errr...President is not a rational actor. Neither have any coherent sense of world affairs or diplomacy.

North Korea is a well armed military state with 1,000,000 active members in their military. They also have nuclear grade weapons materials and facilities to keep making more. They have short range, medium range, and long range missiles. They have yet to test their long range missiles. We are not 100% certain if they can currently put together their nuclear weapons with their missiles. Certainly they are actively working on their nuclear weapons systems.

As a US carrier group heads for the Korean peninsula in a showdown between two unstable leaders consider this.

Kim Jong-un is aware that...

  1. Our Republican President just bombed Syria.
  2. Our Republican President just bombed Afghanistan.
  3. Our Republican President wants him removed from power.
Two unstable leaders facing off. What could possibly go wrong?

Monday, April 10, 2017

I am Tired Of War


I am tired of War. Trump authorized the launch of 59 missiles at the Syrian Airbase where the planes took off that dropped chemical weapons on it's own people. Killing innocent citizens by any means has no justification ever! But, our response did nothing to help the people being brutalized by Syria's brutal dictator.

The missiles we launched alone cost us 30 million dollars. How many starving children would $30,000,000 million dollars feed? Brian Williams spoke of the launch in terms that made it sound like he was looking at a breathtaking sunset or the Northern lights. Fareed Zakaria, whom I have great respect, said that Trump had finally become the President. The media largely applauded the act. There was widespread Bi-Partisan support for the attack.

The evening of the bombing the Syrian air force sent planes off on yet another bombing mission of its own citizens from the airstrip we bombed. To quote former President Bush, "Mission Accomplished."

The media at large is totally derelict when it comes to war. We have been in perpetual war since 2001. Spent over 2 trillion dollars. Where we are today in the Middle East with our efforts? Are people in that region free? What exactly have we accomplished?

Images of kids being gassed woke many of you up. War is not the solution. If the damn media did its job we would likely not be at war today. War is not some abstract thing. This is what war looks like. Every day we are at war this is what it looks like.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Keeping America Safe and Well Informed

What's the plan on Syria? North Korea? 

The picture says it all. 

Message to Talking Heads and Mainstream Media

When you are interviewing Republican bullshit artists (aka Politicians) on your shows and they use discredited, untruthful talking points like...

"Obamacare is collapsing under it's own weight"

"The government has never created a job"

"Climate change is still unsettled science"

...and just about anything else that we hear when their lips are moving.

Instead of asking your next hard hitting question that they have no intention of answering, how about calling them out on their bullshit talking point. When you let them state nonsense and then move on you only...

  • Encourage them to continue to spew their false bullshit.
  • Allow viewers to keep hearing said bullshit over and over, uncontested, and it gets to a point where many people only remember the bullshit one-liners.
  • Demonstrate what a crappy interviewer you actually are. 
  • Give them a free commercial for their nonsense.

Did you not go to college and get a degree in journalism? Did they not teach you when someone says something devoid of facts to...

  1. Cite what the facts are for them.
  2. Reiterate their talking point and state that their statement would seem to be in conflict with the facts.
  3. Ask them what their sources are to backup their talking points. (and be prepared to call them out on the bullshit sources they cite. Most do not even come prepared with sources as they know how lame y'all are)

Mike Wallace is rolling over in his grave every time y'all do this. Do you damn job or get into another line of work.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Filibuster Gorsuch

During the last years of the Obama Administration Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died and for 10 months the Republican Senate leader refused to allow a vote for his replacement in an act that obstructed the advise and consent rule found in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of our Constitution. The democratic parties response to this obstruction was tepid at best.

Our Democracy failed for all Americans.

A party who shaped our current Supreme Court that led to "Citizens United" (sic) that now allows money to be counted as free speech. Considers corporations as people, and gutted the main provisions  in the Voting Rights Act leading to states currently with Republican majorities to enact laws that led to voter suppression. Now, we are going to add to our Supreme Court another judge that based on his body of court decisions favors big business and special interests over working class citizens?

And, in terms of filibustering his nomination we still have 10 Senators undecided (as of today, ironically April Fools day) in supporting the filibuster.

Sen. Mark Warner (Virginia)
Sen. Chris Coons (Delaware)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (California)
Sen. Jon Tester
Sen. Joe Donnelly (Indiana)
Sen. Bob Menendez (New Jersey)
Sen. Angus King (Maine)
Sen. Michael Bennet (Colorado)
Sen. Pat Leahy (Vermont)
Sen. Ben Cardin (Maryland)

What point is having a Democracy if only one of our two majority politic