Saturday, April 1, 2017

Filibuster Gorsuch

During the last years of the Obama Administration Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died and for 10 months the Republican Senate leader refused to allow a vote for his replacement in an act that obstructed the advise and consent rule found in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of our Constitution. The democratic parties response to this obstruction was tepid at best.

Our Democracy failed for all Americans.

A party who shaped our current Supreme Court that led to "Citizens United" (sic) that now allows money to be counted as free speech. Considers corporations as people, and gutted the main provisions  in the Voting Rights Act leading to states currently with Republican majorities to enact laws that led to voter suppression. Now, we are going to add to our Supreme Court another judge that based on his body of court decisions favors big business and special interests over working class citizens?

And, in terms of filibustering his nomination we still have 10 Senators undecided (as of today, ironically April Fools day) in supporting the filibuster.

Sen. Mark Warner (Virginia)
Sen. Chris Coons (Delaware)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (California)
Sen. Jon Tester
Sen. Joe Donnelly (Indiana)
Sen. Bob Menendez (New Jersey)
Sen. Angus King (Maine)
Sen. Michael Bennet (Colorado)
Sen. Pat Leahy (Vermont)
Sen. Ben Cardin (Maryland)

What point is having a Democracy if only one of our two majority politic

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