Thursday, August 12, 2010

Open Source and Google

The other day I was building a portion of an app that dynamically generated charts based on the results of a query. Worked like a champ in my local development environment where the server and the browsers I use both reside on my laptop.

Then I uploaded it to my test server and the chart did not update without having to refresh the browser. Of course, the browser was caching the image and even though the data was changing, the file name remained the same. What to do?

Get the end users to lower there expectations?
Call it a WAD and modify the requirements?
Read a manual until I went into a coma?


I Googled: php image not refreshing   ...

... resulting in a link on page one that took me to the solution. (and for that, they deserve a link.)

Generally, I can find an answer to my questions through Google spending only five or ten minutes. One of the most profound and unheralded innovations in the discipline of computer science is the marriage of search engines and open source software.

Sure beats the days of being dead in the water for days or weeks, getting bounced around and listening to muzak on support lines, and then having to come up with convoluted workarounds because you could not find a solution.

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If you are a spammer do the web planet a public service and go away. I have to review your post and approve it and it is not going to happen.

Whether you agree or disagree (i do not mind at all people that disagree as it offers a different point of view on the spectrum of the topic at hand) discourse is a good thing indeed.