Monday, February 11, 2013

Virtualbox, Ubuntu - Two Nice Packages

I wanted to install and play with Hadoop. I started by installing cygwin, then swung on over to Cloudera's image on vmware. I must confess I have a short amount of patience when it comes to implementing things that I am having difficulty with.

It is hard for me to deny the viability of Hadoop but I am having some heartburn over the difficulty in implementing it to the point where I can start playing around. I am not trying to implement and scale multiple clusters. I just want to install it so I can create a few map reduce jobs and get my feet wet.

Anyhow, this adventure took me to installing virtual box and then the Ubuntu 12.10 image on one of my laptops. Virtualbox is a breeze to install. Ubuntu was also easy to implement on virtualbox. I was also impressed with the ease of installing software on Ubuntu. I was so impressed with Debian's get-apt that I ended up installing the full LAMP stack and then headed off to install the 1.6 JRE and SDK. I got so into the ease of implementing software I went off and installed Ruby and Rails, as well as a number of IDE's.

I never did get around to installing Hadoop.

I must confess I am a web developer who uses WAMP and pretty much deploys off to LAMP. As such I am not much of a Linux person. I am impressed with the ease of working with Ubuntu. If you are a Windows developer looking at dipping your foot into the Linux waters I would recommend Virtualbox and Ubuntu.

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