Sunday, March 17, 2013

My Greatest Fear

Actually I have two though I am not sure fear is a best term to coin. It might be a tad bit strong, but I will stick with using it anyway.

I actually have two fears.
  1. That I get too full of myself. 
  2. That there will be no one out there to disagree with and challenge my beliefs and question the things I have to say.
The latter may seem odd to some as I am no different than anyone else in the respect that it is always nice to know that there are others out there that share your position (and believe me I do). Holding a view where you are alone or in the minority is not very comfortable.

I am greatful when others diagree or challenge my positions, even when they do so in a manner that I find to be less than respectful (like most folks I am not a huge fan of being disrespected).

Why? ...Simple

This is how we grow.

Would we have advanced from the cave if we lived in a world where 100% consensus was the norm?

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If you are a spammer do the web planet a public service and go away. I have to review your post and approve it and it is not going to happen.

Whether you agree or disagree (i do not mind at all people that disagree as it offers a different point of view on the spectrum of the topic at hand) discourse is a good thing indeed.