We have a Republican President that has a thin skin and a need to constantly seek approval and validation. He is charge of the worlds largest military.
He first bombed a Syrian airbase to praise and accolades from the media and many Democrats.
Next, we used for the first time an 11 ton non-nuclear bomb, dropping it on a position of tunnels in a remote area of Afghanistan. The bomb is called MOAB, short for "Mother of All Bombs."
We now have a carrier group heading toward the Korean peninsula. It is believed that the North Koreans have short and mid range nuclear weapons ready to go. Weapons that can reach South Korea, Japan and other American allies. The North Korean dictator like the American Republican dictator...errr...President is not a rational actor. Neither have any coherent sense of world affairs or diplomacy.
North Korea is a well armed military state with 1,000,000 active members in their military. They also have nuclear grade weapons materials and facilities to keep making more. They have short range, medium range, and long range missiles. They have yet to test their long range missiles. We are not 100% certain if they can currently put together their nuclear weapons with their missiles. Certainly they are actively working on their nuclear weapons systems.
As a US carrier group heads for the Korean peninsula in a showdown between two unstable leaders consider this.
Kim Jong-un is aware that...
- Our Republican President just bombed Syria.
- Our Republican President just bombed Afghanistan.
- Our Republican President wants him removed from power.