I want to document this as it is something we can easily lose sight of with all that is unfolding and it is a very big deal.
Today the head of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers (Active duty military) and the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats would not invoke executive privilege and both claimed that they had no legal basis for not answering basic questions from the Senate intelligence committee that is investigating Russia's influence into our Presidential election.
The questions they refused to answer pertained to whether or not President Trump tried to get them to intervene in the on-going investigation.
This is shocking, stunning, just hard to get my head wrapped around. A Senate hearing has the same force as court of law. These two men swore an oath to tell the and to defend the Constitution. When asked if the President tried to intervene in an on-going investigation they said they did not invoke executive privilege with the President, claim to not have any legal basis for not answering the question, but still refused to publicly answer the question.
Let us be crystal clear. All government workers and elected leaders take an oath to defend and uphold the constitution. Not answering these questions without legal basis is not upholding that duty. Their job is not defend and uphold the person in the White House. Their oath is uphold our constitution.
So let's recap.
1) Two heads our intelligence community refuse to PUBLICLY answer questions if our President tried to intervene in an on-going investigation into collusion by a foreign power in our election.
2) Neither of these individuals had a legal basis for not answering.
3) Duh, the investigation that is on-going involves our President and his Administration
2) Neither of these individuals had a legal basis for not answering.
3) Duh, the investigation that is on-going involves our President and his Administration
If it quacks like a duck it must be a duck.
This is not okay. If we allow people not to answer questions because the just do not feel like it without any recourse we have crossed a very dangerous line. Please call the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee chair Richard Burr (202) 224-3121 asap and tell him so.
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