I am not quite sure why this has not been written about more. You and I make up the new currency in the modern world. One need only to look at the success of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube to understand the profound truth in this observation.
These enterprises are each worth billions. They offer us, in exchange for our membership, a place to commune and communicate. A place to share ideas. For some a chance at our proverbial "fifteen minutes of fame."
If you ponder this new equation for currency long and hard it really is television in reverse. McLuhan said "The message is the medium." The message used to be all of us with our butts parked in front of the TV in our living rooms. The medium was static and was delivered to us from a one way cathode ray tube. We watched it. Of course we had (and still have the choice) to pick up the remote and surf down the dial.
Today, you and I have become the medium. Instead of watching, we are the ones being watched. Every tweet, every profile update, every post, every search recorded.
Now, I don't mean to be a downer in saying all of this. Truth be told, I am quite engaged and excited about these new mediums. They offer all of us a voice. They allow those of us that have become disconnected by time and space to re-connect. They can even serve populations that are less fortunate than us. Level the playing field if you will.
The ultimate delivery of what we once called web 2.0 really has turned the flow of information from a one way stream that only flowed from a singular static source into a two way street. We, collectively have become the main source of information and data. I can say that I have become a richer person thanks to the web.
Of course we all must also be brutally honest with ourselves and accept that we really do not have a choice to disconnect from the new medium. At least not and remain a viable member of todays society. As such it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the medium never becomes too invasive or oppressive. After all, we collectively represent the new currency.
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If you are a spammer do the web planet a public service and go away. I have to review your post and approve it and it is not going to happen.
Whether you agree or disagree (i do not mind at all people that disagree as it offers a different point of view on the spectrum of the topic at hand) discourse is a good thing indeed.