Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Planet in Peril

Trump is nothing more than an overt manifestation of the modern day Republican
party. The right wing echo chamber for years has pushed its audience to a
view of the world that is devoid of facts. What we now are faced with is close
to half of Americans that vote  that live in a world totally divorced from the reality
of what is actually happening. (half of Americans do NOT exercise their right to

The perfect storm is now here and this party now controls all three branches
of Federal government. Additionally they now control most state governments.
In fact, they are one state away from controlling 2/3 of all state governments.

Elections have consequences and we are going to see consequences of this
administration. The biggest will be the damage this government inflicts on
our environment. As just one example, as hydraulic fracking in the
state of Oklahoma increased earthquakes also increased from 2011 from 63
to over 600 in 2016.

The new administration is so concerned with the environment that they have
nominated to lead the EPA the former States Attorney of Oklahoma, Scott Pruitt,
who filed numerous suits against the EPA.

All EPA grants and contracts have been suspended by the Trump administration.
Gag orders have been placed on staffers at the EPA as well as all other
agencies like NASA.

Our Federal government is full of scientists whose job it is to conduct
research on our climate, on pollution. Well folks those days are over. Agencies
will be gutted.

During this firestorm that you will be witnessing over the next four years (at
least 4 years) not only be gutting Federal agencies that provide great value
to our environment but you are going to witness unfettered government spending
to the likes you have never seen.

This is not a Trump thing. This is a Republican thing. Republicans are only
fiscally responsible when they are not in control of the Government.

This time things are different my fellow citizens. This is not politics as usual.
More is at stake than just our country. Our planet is at stake.

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Whether you agree or disagree (i do not mind at all people that disagree as it offers a different point of view on the spectrum of the topic at hand) discourse is a good thing indeed.