Sunday, January 22, 2017

Trump Lies - Calling the Media Dishonest Human Beings

[I will be tracking President Trump's lies, falsehoods, untruths, or whatever you want to call them. I will be using his words, his falsehood. No other narrative is really needed. This will be the first of many. I do hope to get a day off every now and then.]

On Saturday (1/21/2017) while at the CIA President Trump said.

“I have a running war with the media,” Mr. Trump said. “They are among the most dishonest human beings on earth, and they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community.”  [Source]

Here is a tweet he sent out on 1/11/2017 comparing our intelligence communities to Nazi's.

Sadly, much of the news cycles must be taken up with the press being blamed as dishonest when all they do is report what he said in his own words. The last 30 seconds of the video is President Trump saying what I have quoted him above saying. His own writing, his own words, his own lies.

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Whether you agree or disagree (i do not mind at all people that disagree as it offers a different point of view on the spectrum of the topic at hand) discourse is a good thing indeed.