This is not real hard. This is not a heavy lift.
Here are the facts:
The evidence of Trumps collusion with the Russians just with what we already know is overwhelming.
The evidence of Racism among the Trump administration and at least 2/3 of the Republican base is quite obvious and cannot be denied. 79% of Republican voters are still with him even after his response to events in Charlottesville and his pardoning of Joe Arpaio. His whole campaign was one racist litany after another.
The over 1000 documented falsehoods and lies he has told in his seven months in office.
Close to 44 million Republican voters are still behind this incompetent, dangerous, clown of a human being. This number represents 79% of Republican voters. 79%!!! The majority of the base of the Republican party is so radical, so racist, so un-Christian, so un-American. The Republican party is not a party for conservatives. It is not a party for the common American worker. If you think it is please share for me in the past 20 years anything this party has done for you.
What this party has done in the past 20 years is...
- Take us into a war based on the falsehood that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. We now know that they knew this not to be the case at the time but did so anyway.
- Took a balanced Federal Budget where we actually had surpluses and were on the way to eliminating our Federal debt and gave us a tax rebate that really only helped the wealthiest Americans.
- Took us to the brink of economic calamity in 2008 based largely upon their decision to repeal Glass–Steagall and to not oversee and regulate the housing, credit, insurance, and investment markets.
- Spent the better part of 7 years telling falsehoods about the affordable care act. Yet when they finally had the opportunity to repeal and replace it could not.
- Privatized much of our Federal prison system (with the assistance of some Democrats) and created a system of injustice for minorities.
- Created systemic voter suppression, and gerrymandering of districts as a means of staying in power as they have a shrinking base and no real ideas for governing.
- Continue to deny climate science as Houston sits under 50 inches of rain, and the planet moves closer to the point of no return.
- Continue to trash and discredit the media.
A Question and a Reality Check
With 2/3 of Republican voters still behind Trump what exactly do you think Republican politicians are going to do?
The current Republican party is not dangerous because of Donald Trump. They are dangerous because we now are acutely aware of what 45 million people in their base believe and stand for.
This should rock you to your core. This is a party that is self-destructing. Unfortunately they are doing so in a manner that is going to take all of us down.
If you are a conservative with your head in the sand... pull it out and take a stand. History is judging you and your silence as we speak.
The good news is that 45 million racist Republicans only represent 20% of the electorate.
The bad news is 50% of the electorate is too busy to vote.
The good news is we still have this thing called the Constitution.
Get active
Get involved
Get off you ass and do something
It is time to end minority rule in America.
It is time to end minority rule in America.
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