Friday, August 4, 2017

We are Witnessing the Downfall of the Republican Party

...either that or the end of Democracy as we know it. ...

Trump is and has been behaving like someone that is guilty. This is most likely because he is. His connections and behavior to Russia is overwhelming and we have not even gotten to what the Grand Jury will reveal. Many people will likely be going to prison including Trump himself.

There are going to be enough Republicans that ultimately vote to impeach Trump. His Presidency has been a disaster. Trump is out for Trump and the reality is that 62,984,825 people voted for this guy. 16 people ran for President in the Republican party. He crushed them all. What does this say about the Republican Party?

For 8+ years the Republican party has sold their base a line of total horse shit and lies about the ACA. They now own all 3 branches of government and they cannot repeal the ACA because they realize that the ACA has done and is doing good for 16 million of our fellow Americans. They have nothing to replace it with.

This is party with no vision and not a single good idea I can point to (leave a comment for any good ideas they have that I may have missed. I won't be holding my breath)

Whatever this party does they will likely lose enough of their base that their demise is inevitable. I take no solace in saying this. America is at its best when we have our two political parties healthy and thriving.

Frankly, the Republican party needs to stop appealing to haters and racists and the segment of immoral religious zealots masquerading as Christians. I am not speaking about all evangelical Christians. Many are friends of mine and they are fine people with good moral values. I am talking about people like Pastor Kevin Swanson, Ralph Reed, and other leaders and followers that preach a false gospel of hate.

While this party is getting its shit together or another party emerges to replace them some of the elected leaders could switch over to the Democratic party. Alabama Senator Richard Shelby was once a Democrat. People in the same party do not need to agree with one another on every policy matter. Compromise is key in any Democracy.

I cannot speak for Democratic voters embracing some of these people to join. Over in Democrat land there is a movement brewing to replace the old guard with a more progressive group that is more in tune with where the base of this party wants to go.

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