However, when they are in charge they seem to forget this and go on a spending spree. Reagan did this. The last Bush did this during his 8 years. Our National deficit is currently at 104% of our GDP. This is a problem. I expect tea party voices to start speaking up when the spending starts.
Well the spending is about to start. Paul Ryan has said there will be money for the Wall. He says there will be money for our infrastructure. They are also talking about a tax cut.
So let me understand this. We are going to cut government revenues and increase government spending? How exactly does this add up? How is this not going to increase our deficit? Where is the outrage from fellow fiscal conservatives?
I want to know where the money is coming from to pay for the Wall?
I want to know what programs the Government is cutting to pay for the tax cuts?
It is time for Americans and the media to call these folks out on this bullshit. Deficits do matter. Now that our economy is back on track we need to start reducing our deficit. Ideally we should get it down to 50-75% of GDP. What I am seeing is a plan to massively explode the deficit. I expect fiscal conservative to always be fiscally conservative!
For further reading on this subject:
- The Republican Deficit Hawks Abandon Their Religion
- “Utter insanity and stupidity”: Ex-Reagan adviser unloads on GOP, lobbyists and the myth of the “moderate Republican”
- The GOP’s Deficit Hawks Have Flown Into Trump’s “Wall”
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