We might be Democrats, We might be Republicans, We might be Independents, We might not give a damn at all about politics
We are straight, gay, married, single, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, grandmothers, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, male, female, Christian, Muslim, Atheist.
We all have one thing in common.
I am going to state this is the simplest terms possible. The evidence of a Trump connection to the Russians is so overwhelming that even if you are a Republican (Voter, Senator, Congress person, Staffer, etc...) it is time you put your country before your party.
I served in the Navy during the Reagan administration. The cold war we had going with the former Soviet Union was real and it was warranted. As Russia and Putin have been making moves to restore what they were once in control of we overtly slipped back into the cold war. Folks this is some serious business. This is stuff that makes Watergate, Benghazi, Iran Contra look like an afternoon selling girl scout cookies.
I disagreed with a lot of what the Tea Party was doing. Y'all waved that constitution in everyone's face in opposition of things the Obama administration was doing that you did not like. Well ...
- It is a fact that the Russians worked to influence our election with the intent of getting Donald Trump elected. They did so by
- Hacking into the DNC server and private email accounts of Clinton operatives.
- Leaking hacked communications through Wikileaks
- It is a fact that Trump used these leaks at every Rally and any chance he got speaking to the press. It is a fact the amount of coverage he received from the media was unprecedented.
- It is a fact that during the campaign Donald Trump called on the Russians to hack and find Clinton's 30,000 missing emails and release them.
- It is a fact that Michael Flynn attended a Russian state dinner and was seated next to Vladimir Putin
- It is a fact that Trumps first campaign manager has done business with the Ukraine government, a government, at the time, with very close ties to Vladimir Putin.
- It is a fact that our current Secretary of State has been an overnight guest in the home of Vladimir Putin.
- It is a fact that Trump aides and associates made repeated contact with senior Russian officials during the 2016 campaign
We certainly do not have all the facts yet. But, we have enough evidence that warrants an independent inquiry into these matters. The investigation needs to be independent. There is little chance that the justice department will act. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was a security adviser to the the Trump transition team. It is even possible he could be involved in this assault on our Democracy.
People, the Presidents National Security Advisor, has just been found to have ties to the Russian government and given that he lied about the nature of his contact with to the FBI (a felony charge). Of course our intelligence agencies knew Mr. Flynn was lying because they were wiretapping the Russian official he was speaking with. DUH, He was colluding with the Russian government discussing, while still a civilian, Telling the why Russia should not worry about the sanctions the current President had just imposed on Russia.
At worst we one of the Presidents closest advisers on matters of national security could be an operative of the Russian government. There are many other scenarios. We are still finding out the facts.
This is some serious shit to deal with. It is time for everyone to wakeup, not to take a deep breath, rather shake your head and mutter WTF??? And, God forbid. What if it comes out that Trump was involved in this or had knowledge of what was going on?
It is time for everyone to stand up as Americans for what is right. This is so big that it is not going away. The truth is going to come out. When it does and you stood up you will be able to look in the mirror and know you did the right thing. Our freedom, our Democracy, and our nation is worth this fight.
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