- The Russians meddled in our election with the intent of electing the Republican candidate.
- We elected a Republican President that most likely conspired with the Russians who we know meddled in our election. Further it is possible that he may already be compromised by Russian intelligence. And, if we ever get his taxes we will find that many of his 500 corporations are financed by Russian billionaires.
- Our Secretary of State, Secretary of Commerce, and the Republican Presidents National Security Advisor all have ties to Russia.
- Our Republican Attorney General was in contact with the Russians during the election and lied about it in his Senate confirmation hearings.
- The Republican Presidents former campaign manager had clear ties to Russia.
- The Republican elected majority is actively impeding attempts to get at the truth. Recently every Republican in Congress voted not to make Trump release his taxes. Taxes which will get us closer to the truth. This same group that found Benghazi important enough to conduct 9 investigations are unwilling to conduct an independent investigation and our stonewalling the current investigation.
- The Republican President has referred to the media on numerous occasions as "The enemy of the people." and constantly refers to our media as "fake news". This is how dictators in 3rd world countries behave. Why aren't you outraged about this? Why aren't more Republicans outraged by this. The foundation of our Democracy depends on a free press. 1st Amendment!
- The Republican President accused the former President of illegally wire tapping him. He has no evidence. He is the President for God sake. He has access to the evidence. There is no evidence.
- The Republican Presidents Chief of Staff, Steve Bannon, is a racist, xenophobe that was the head of a racist news outlet that preaches hatred. Do not believe me, take the Breitbart challenge.
- Republicans in both the House and Senate are behaving in a partisan manner in the face of the most existential threat to our Democracy in our lifetime. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! This is the equivalent of 9/11. During 9/11 all Americans came together. But now Republicans are just going to pretend nothing is happening. Really? And you are okay with this.
There are many moderates and conservatives like myself that have come together with liberals to stand up for our country. There is nothing partisan about this. We need you to join us.
14 million Americans, many in rural America, in Republican districts that voted for a Republican President that said he was going to make your health care more affordable, make it better, has told you a tall tail. The Congressional Budget Office just scored the Republican repeal and replace health care plan and...
- 14 million Americans will lose coverage by next year.
- If you have a pre-existing condition and cannot get a plan through your employer you will not be able to get coverage.
- If you are older, but not old enough for Medicare your premiums will double
- The new Republican health plan is a tax credit for the wealthy and for people like me that do not need a tax credit, especially at your expense.
Republicans are trying to discredit the CBO's assessment. Are you really willing to believe this and take the chance of losing your health care. And, for those of you that currently have health care insurance through your employer what are you going to do should you get laid off? Do you have a pre-existing condition or a family member or friend that does?
As a moderate I want to see a strong Republican party that works in the best interests of the average working class American. A party that brought us legislation like the Roth IRA, and the Child Tax Credit. But those things happened long ago.
Today's Republican party is not a party for the working class. It is a party driven by special interests and the very wealthy. Ask yourself, what did the Republicans do for me an my family in recent times? Keep in mind the Republicans controlled the House for the past 6 years, and they have controlled both the House and the Senate for the past 2+ years. The House and the Senate create legislation. What have they done for the average American? For you?
Donald Trump is the President. He is a Republican. He is the leader of the Republican party. Please wake up an join us. Please stop clinging to a party that is not acting in your best interests. This is exactly why many of you voted for President Trump this past election. But, he is just another Republican. He is nothing more than a typical Republican politician that tells you what you want to hear, and then fails to deliver.
Wake up and join us. Pick up the phone, call 202-224-3121. Let them know what you think. They work for us, not the special interests. One call a week only takes 5 minutes.
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