Thursday, March 23, 2017

An Open Letter to Paul Ryan

Speaker Ryan,

Whether you are pass this bill or not tomorrow your political future is coming to a close. Your presumption that you have some mandate to deny 24 million of our fellow working class Americans is factually wrong.

  1. Trump the candidate ran on implementing a health care plan that would  a.) make healthcare better that the Affordable Care Act; b)  cover more people than the Affordable Care Act; c) be cheaper the Affordable Care Act.
  2. Trump won the electoral college which consists of only 538 people. He lost the popular vote by almost 3 million Americans that do not want the Affordable Care Act repealed. There are millions of Republican voters that do not want the Affordable Care Act repealed.
Those my friend are indisputable facts. A majority of the American public DO NOT want you to repeal the Affordable Care Act. But you or your party really do not care what working class families want.

You are an opportunist aligning yourself with a President that lied to his voters about health care to get elected. He LIED about something that is a matter of life and death for 24 million working class Americans.

If you pass this people are going to DIE! People have stood up at Town halls telling their heart wrenching stories to this affect.  You Sir are nothing more than a bought and sold politician that could care less about the average working class citizens. Your actions demonstrate and the actions of the vast majority of your party demonstrate this.

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