Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Ruse of Tax Reform - The New Republican Health Care Bill - Medicare

Regarding one aspect of the proposed Republican plan that is being expedited through the political process...

 "The plan would repeal, starting in 2018, two ACA Medicare taxes — the additional Hospital Insurance tax on high-income people and the Medicare tax on unearned income — that fall only on individuals with incomes above $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples). Their repeal would mean that high-income taxpayers would no longer face Medicare taxes on all their income." 

So, the repeal and replace leads to a tax break for those of us in the higher income brackets. It also leads to a huge tax break for business. The current Medicare tax rate is 1.45%. We pay 1.45% and our employer pays 1.45% for a grand total of 2.9%. If the new plan is passed Medicare will lose 2.9% for all income made over $200,000.

This tax break will result in a shortfall of over 346 billion dollars over the next decade. 346 billion is a whole lot of medical care. Where will revenue now come from?

For a tax break that would not even be noticed by people in this income bracket?

Trump DID NOT run on what is in this Bill!!! Let us go straight to the source and hear what he said on this subject.

This fits into the Trump Promise how?

Not everything is about Trump (though he is a Republican). Republicans have put forward a plan that hurts those of our citizens that have the greatest need (namely, in this case our elderly population on Medicare). This is a party that claims to be the party of the "moral majority" and the party of Christian values.


For those of you that claim to follow the teachings of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (for the record I am a Christian) how exactly does this fit into Matthew 25:40? ...

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

...Or, the myriad of other scripture in the Gospels that calls us to care for the poor or the elderly?

More for the record. I am also a moderate that still holds many conservative beliefs (especially in the areas of fiscal responsibility (from individual to government), personal responsibility, and individual liberty). Unfortunately, for me, there has not been a conservative party for too many years that seems to value these ideals in a way I find either honest or morally appropriate. I will be damned if I am going to idly sit by on the sidelines and watch a repeat of what happened in the 30's and 40's  with the global rise of extremism. Particularly, now that it has come to our shores and lives and breathes in the highest reaches of our government.

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