Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Responsibilities of a Commander in Chief - Explanation for Non Military Folks

I am writing this for those of you that have never served in the military.

When you are in charge in the military the buck stops with you. If you are the captain of a ship and in a dead sleep and your navigator runs the ship aground it is on you. You might think this is harsh and/or unfair and maybe it is. However, this is how things work in the military. You would be hard pressed to find an officer or an enlisted person, active or veteran  that would tell you or think otherwise.

When you are the Commander in Chief it is on you. President Trumps attempt to blame the previous administration and his current generals for the failed mission in Yemen that resulted in the loss of life of CPO Navy Seal Ryan Owens was a utter disgrace and depravity of leadership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what Trump said.

"This was a mission that was started before I got here. This was something that was, you know, just they wanted to do. They came to see me. They explained what they wanted to do, the generals, who are very respected," he said. "My generals are the most respected that we've had in many decades I believe. And they lost Ryan."

To the first point, BULLSHIT!!!  President Trump was the one who authorized the mission. It was NOT started before he became President. The Obama administration had created plans for such a mission. But, the mission was NOT started. Trump authorized the mission.

To the second part of his line that "they lost Ryan." Yes, they did. But that does not matter. That it might have been the Generals recommendion does not matter. The President makes these calls. He is the Commander in Chief and the failure of that mission and the death of CPO Owens is on him. A "REAL" Commander in Chief would be the first to take responsibility for the death of this brave sailor.


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