FBI Director James Comey tells the Senate that Trump and his campaign are under active investigation and has been since last July for potential connections to the Russian government that we know purposely influenced our election in favor or Trump. [Source]
These charges amount to TREASON. The Republican response to this in the hearing is to basically ignore these charges. The response from the Republican party is milk-toast, head in the sand. Nothing happening here.
All the while our crooked, lying Republican President continues to not talk to the press. Continues to refer to the media as dishonest and crooked and fake. Y'all, want fake news head on over to Breitbart and Fox News and listen to the propagandist bullshit they are peddling. Then take a jog over to RT (Russian Television) News and watch and see the similarities between the three. Actually, you will likely find Russian Television being more objective than Fox and Breitbart. I am actually being serious here.
In the mean time Mr. "objectivity", Chairman Nunez, who is leading the committee conducting the investigation on the Trump administration is also briefing Trump on the investigation. No conflict of interest here. No need for an independent committee. [source]
Republican Leaders and Legislators maybe you should put up a picture of Putin next to the one of Trump in your offices.
When 9/11 happened all Americans came together. Today our very Democracy is threatened by Russia. Russia,the former Soviet Union, a power we were in a cold war with for over 40 years.
We know they compromised our election from the Presidential race to the down ballot races. Each day it is becoming more likely that the Trump campaign was in collusion with them. The Republican response from the leaders to Republican voters is frankly lame and Un-American.
This moderate knows who the real partisans are. Republican voters, leaders, and legislator's are showing their true colors during this chilling time. Party over Country. Sadly, your own elected officials continue to screw you over. And, you continue to support them.
To my liberal friends and neighbors. Rock on. You and our Judicial branch are the last lines of defense we have left.
Thank you. I am fortunate to be working with you on these most disturbing developments.
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